「私は今でも他の何よりもデヴィッド(マスランカ)の音楽を聴きたい」作曲家インタビュー:キンバリー・アーチャー氏(Kimberly Archer)


[English is below Japanese]


個人的にだいぶ前から好きな作曲家で、楽譜はC. Alan PublicationsとMurphy Music Pressから出版されています。現在は南イリノイ大学エドワーズヴィル校で作曲の教授を務めています。作品はアメリカ海兵隊バンドやアメリカ空軍バンドからも委嘱されています。


1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、作曲家としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?



2. あなたは多くの吹奏楽作品を発表しています。日本でもあなたの吹奏楽作品のファンがいます。吹奏楽にどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?



3. 吹奏楽曲を作曲する際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?



4. 作曲家として人生のターニングポイントとなった自身の作品があれば、その作品についてのエピソードを教えて下さい。(これは吹奏楽作品でなくても構いません)

私の最初の交響曲「for those taken too soon……」は、彼は24歳、私が28歳のときに交通事故で亡くなった親しい友人の追憶のために書かれました。それは博士課程に在籍していた最初の年であり、すでに困難な時期でしたが、私は個人的な危機に陥りました。その数週間前に作曲家のデヴィッド・マスランカと知り合い、「助けが必要なときは電話してほしい」と言われていました。そして彼に電話をして、彼の助けを借りながら、友人への追悼曲を書き上げることができました。それはいろいろな意味で、自分にとっての錨でもありました。個人的には、それが「作品1」であり、作曲家としての私の声の始まりを示す、最初の本格的な作品だと思っています。この経験は、私の人生を変えたデヴィッド・マスランカとの15年にわたる友情の始まりでもありました。


5-a. ご自身の作曲または編曲に強く影響を受けた他の作曲家や編曲家の作品があれば、それについてどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)



5-b. 上記とは別に、現代の作曲家で特に注目している作曲家がいれば理由と合わせて教えてください。





6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。



7. あなたの作品は、世界中の多くの国で演奏され、評価されていることと思います。日本の若い作曲家や作曲家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。




ぜひ多くの方にCDやYou Tube、演奏会を通じてアーチャーさんの作品に触れていただきたいと思います。

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Golden Hearts Publicationsオンラインストア


取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)


Interview with Kimberly Archer1. First of all, would you tell me about your background, where and how you grew up, what made you started as a composer?

I grew up in southern Florida. My dad was a 3rd grade teacher who also taught piano lessons and played at a local church on Sundays. My mom did not have any professional music activities but she always had music on in the house. I started band in 6th grade (age 11) because that’s the first time it was offered in school, and even at that early age I sensed intuitively that band was more suited to my personality than orchestra or choir. I had an early aptitude for the trumpet and soon became bored with the music we played in band, so I would work out the songs I heard on the radio. Eventually, I learned how to write them down. From there, I did a lot of simple arrangements for the concert and marching bands I played in, and eventually started trying to make up my own music. Probably the pivotal moment for me was the summer before 10th grade, when I attended a summer music camp at Florida State University and persuaded the conductor to program one of my band pieces. It was thrilling! Still, I didn’t think making a living as a composer was practical; instead, I went to college as a music education major and taught high school band for two years. I didn’t enjoy that lifestyle, though, and went back to college for a master’s and doctorate in composition, with the aim of becoming a university professor in composition.


2. You have published many wind band works. There are fans of your wind band works in Japan. Would you tell me about what fascinates you about wind band music?

That’s flattering to hear! What initially drew me to writing for the wind band was the fact that I grew up in that culture. “Band people” are a little different from “orchestra people” and “choir people,” and we have a unique relationship with repertoire that is primarily contemporary with a large number of living composers. I had the opportunity as a graduate student to embrace orchestral composition and a few of my teachers even pressured me to give up writing for bands as if it were somehow an inferior medium. I always wanted to come back to bands, though, because the orchestrational color possibilities were so much greater, and because I’ve always found band people to be more relaxed and fun.


3. When composing a wind band piece, is there anything you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or have any rules of your own?

By this time in my life I do have a style — a particular way of doing things — but it’s almost automatic. Honestly, others are in a more objective position to note those things than I am. I do like to ensure everyone in the ensemble has at least a few measures in which to shine. I switched from trumpet to euphonium about 20 years ago and quickly learned that parts are either grafted to the tuba an octave higher (too simple and not interesting) or so technically difficult as to require a far better euphonium than the grade level of the rest of the band. Since realizing this, of course I’m careful with euphonium parts but also sensitive to other instruments who tend to experience the same thing: 3rd clarinets/trumpets, tenor saxophone, etc. I also like to give attention to the percussion section. If the band is more colorful than the orchestra, then the percussion section is the most colorful part of the band.


4. If you have a piece of your own work that was a turning point in your life as a composer, would you tell me the episode about that work? (This does not have to be a wind band piece)

My first symphony — “for those taken too soon ….” — was written in memory of a close friend who was killed in a car accident when he was 24 and I was 28. That was the first year of my doctoral study, which was already a difficult time, and I plunged into a personal crisis. As it turned out, just a few weeks before that I had connected with composer David Maslanka, who had offered that I should call him if ever I needed assistance. I did just that, and with his help, found my way through writing a memorial for my friend that was in many ways an anchor for myself, too. Personally, I think of that as “opus 1,” the first work of real substance that I think marks the beginning of my voice as a composer. That experience also started my 15-year friendship with David Maslanka, which changed my life.


5-a. If there are works by other composers or arrangers that have strongly influenced your composition or arrangement, would you tell me about them and how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

I was fortunate to attend an undergraduate institution that supported contemporary band music with outstanding ensembles. In my freshman year, I remember performing de Meij’s “Lord of the Rings” Symphony, Maslanka’s Symphony no. 2, Mahr’s The Soaring Hawk, Gillingham’s Heroes, Lost and Fallen, and a number of masterworks. I didn’t realize at the time that I was building a composer’s ear for style and orchestration. I look back and realize that’s the basis for my love of brash horn sections, thundering trombones, and a myriad of percussion, because I was exposed to it every day. My college band directors gave a great deal of care to choosing repertoire and I’m grateful for how that developed me as a composer. Even music I played as a student that I actively disliked (often because it was technically too difficult for me or too dissonant for my developing ear), got lodged in my subconscious anyway, and as I grew to understand it better, felt like I was meeting an old friend.


5-b. Apart from the above, would you tell me about any contemporary composers that you are particularly interested in, along with the reasons why?

As I mentioned above, David Maslanka and I were close friends. He had a huge influence on me during that time, both personally and musically. Because he had so many works performed at Illinois State University, just a few hours up the road from me, I was able to observe him in rehearsals and masterclasses, very much like an apprenticeship. I took a few lessons, too, but those were not like lessons I took as a graduate student. They were more like conversations that happened to stem from something of mine that I’d shared. I would still rather hear David’s music than anything else.

David Gillingham and I connected in 2002, as I was nearing the end of my doctoral study, and have been friends since then. He helped me get published and was a wonderful mentor during my first few years of college teaching. During that time, I studied his music and particularly his genius for colorful orchestration and percussion writing.

I think Lt. Col. Ryan Nowlin, newly promoted as the conductor of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, does profoundly excellent work in orchestration and arranging. His grade 5+ writing is among the best in the profession, by far.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or what you would like to work on in the future)?

I’ve spent a fair amount of the past two decades writing for younger bands, and somehow in that time, developed a reputation for being “too busy” to contact for grade 5 and 6 music. That’s simply not the case. I do feel writing for the younger grade levels is an important professional and musical service, and like all composers, I do the work I am offered to the best of my ability. Still, I wish more people were asking me for college- and professional-level works, to balance the writing I do for younger groups.


7. Your works are performed and appreciated in many countries around the world. What advice would you give to young Japanese composers and Japanese students who want to become composers?

The best advice anyone ever gave me as a young composer was “listen to everything.” This does not mean you have to like everything, only that you should know a wide variety of styles well enough to summon them at will. You never know what you might need in your own music. Go to concerts compulsively, and if you can, sit with someone who truly loves that music because they will bring it alive for you.

The second-best advice someone gave me is “composers compose.” This doesn’t mean you always want to compose. Let’s be honest: it’s hard, frustrating work and sometimes it’s a struggle to sit down at your desk or keyboard. It’s necessary, though, and building this habit early will pay off. As an undergraduate, I worked for several years as a music engraver/copyist and arranger for the marching band. If I wanted to have my arrangement performed (and be paid!), I had to be able to produce it within a week of being asked. Sometimes within a few days. If I wanted to keep my job as copyist, I had to be able to convert a hand written score to music notation software with zero mistakes within a day or two. Those basic skills are critical for a composer. Learning to work quickly and accurately whether I felt like it or not was a difficult habit to build, but it has paid off ever since. After all, you can’t edit and improve music that doesn’t yet exist.



Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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■楽譜出版:Golden Hearts Publications(Amazon Payも使えます)

■オンラインセレクトショップ:WBP Plus!








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